Making a Multi-Layered Resin Collage

I have used resin as a finishing layer on many of my collages in the past and love the glossy sheen it gives the finished work. But I have been wanting to try building a collage in layers of resin for a while- using the layers of resin to create a sense of depth between collage layers. As fortune should have it, the good folks at ArtResin offered me a complimentary 32 oz. resin kit to experiment with. I thought I’d share the process and results here.


Base Layer: I created a base layer of collage on wood panels as I normally would.


Prepping: I always make sure I have a really clean work space (even small flecks of dust can show up in a resin layer), the pieces are nice and level, and I have everything I need within reach. The ArtResin website has great video tutorials and information on all of this.


First Layer: The first step is to mix and stir, equal parts resin and hardener. ArtResin has a great calculator to tell you how much resin you need to cover your surface area. Then pour out the needed amount, spread to fully cover the surface, then use a torch to pop any bubbles (my favorite part). You really need to look closely, in good light, and from a lot of angles to be sure all bubbles are gone. You may also see some dust flecks that are resting on the surface, and you want to pick them out with a toothpick.


Prepping for Additional Layers: After applying the resin to the first layer, I covered them and let them set for 24 hours. Normally, when I only resin a single layer onto a finished piece, I would be done at this point. But for multi-layering, the next step is to sand that gorgeous glass-like finish to create some “tooth” for the next layer. From here on out, the process repeats for as many layers as you choose.


The Results: I went through two additional layers on each piece (3 layers of collage / resin in all). As always, I love the look of resin on the finished collages. The one lesson learned for me was that to improve the sense of depth and dimensionality between layers in the future, I would want to actually put two resin layers between each collage layer.


National Collage Society Award

I am excited to have my collage, 'INK IT,’ included in the National Collage Society’s annual juried show. In addition, it was selected by the jurors as one of just 11 collages to receive an award. The exhibit features a really diverse set of collage work, available for viewing online at


Published in Cults of Life

It’s really exciting to see two of my collages in print in the fantastic collage zine Cults of Life, in which so many collage artists I admire have appeared in past and current issues. Issue #8 focuses on the theme of Silence. Many thanks to publisher/editor Niko Vartiainen for including me!


New Addition to the Doug & Laurie Kanyer Collection

I’m thrilled to announce that my collage has been selected to receive a Silver Award from the Doug + Laurie Kanyer Art Collection and will be added to their collection. The work was one of 21 selected from over 1200 submissions for the "Finding Joy in the Smallest of Things" open call. In response to the unique requirements of the call, my collage, Of Cutlery, is a miniature diptych of 2 x 2 inch panels, created 20 July 2020 with vintage book pages on watercolor paper.


Solo Exhibition at Baked & Wired, Georgetown

I’m really excited to have my first solo exhibition installed and on display at Baked & Wired, home of the best cupcakes in the DC metro area. In total, I am showing 22 pieces on 30+ feet of wall space. If you’re in the area, be sure to stop in and check it out. The show runs March 2 - 28, 2020.


Del Ray Artisans "Tell Me a Story" Exhibit

I am happy to share that I have three pieces featured in the Del Ray Artisans group exhibit Tell Me a Story, which highlights art that tells a story, either as a moment in time or as a sequence of events unfolding over time. If you’re in the Del Ray area (Alexandria, VA), drop in the gallery to check it out. Details below:

March 6 - 29, 2020

Del Ray Artisans Gallery
2704 Mount Vernon Avenue
Alexandria VA 22301


Del Ray Artisans "Kondo vs. Chaos" Exhibit

I am excited to announce that I will have seven pieces featured in the Del Ray Artisans group exhibit Kondo vs. Chaos, which examines the divide between those inspired by Marie Kondo’s theory of keeping only those things that bring you joy and those who deal with chaos in their lives. The opening reception is this Friday 2/7 from 7-9pm, but the show runs all month. If you’re in the Del Ray area (Alexandria, VA), drop in the gallery to check it out. Details below:

February 7 – March 1, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, February 7 from 7-9pm

Del Ray Artisans Gallery
2704 Mount Vernon Avenue
Alexandria VA 22301

Del Ray Artisans "Tangerine" Exhibit

The Del Ray Artisans “Tangerine” group exhibit opened last night with a great crowd. I feel fortunate to have three pieces included in the main exhibit, with another seven pieces in the “art to go” category. And I was very pleasantly surprised to receive second place for my piece “Dissecting Motion.” I look forward to a continuing relationship with Del Ray Artisans.
